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PoliVisu showcases WebGLayer at a webinar on dynamic visualisations

Modern data analysis often requires special techniques for handling complex data structures. Interactive graphs can provide insights into multivariate datasets by communicating the key aspects in a more intuitive way than can isolated bar charts or static maps.

To emphasize the benefits of dynamic visualisations, PoliVisu organised a special webinar as part of its comprehensive training program designed to make transport policy making more agile and experimental. During the live event, we presented the WebGLayer tool and explained how it makes spatio-temporal patterns, relationships and trends in the underlying data more apparent. After the technical part, we turned to real-life case studies from Pilsen (traffic, safety) and Flanders (safety). Through them, we managed to demonstrate how policy makers can leverage dynamic visualisations to address local problems such as traffic congestion and road accidents.  

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