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SELECT for Cities is in Helsinki This Week

21c Managing Director, Susie Ruston McAleer, will be at Forum Virium in Helsinki this week, where the SELECT for Cities Phase 2 call for proposals evaluation meeting is being held. Susie is a reviewer on the evaluation team.

Together the evaluation team will run through the bids received on a case-by-case basis. Comprised of representatives from the procuring cities of Antwerp, Copenhagen and Helsinki, plus Living Lab and business expertise from imec and 21c, the evaluation team have the difficult job of reviewing each submission in detail. Having undertaken a remote scoring exercise, this meeting is an important part of the assessment process enabling the SELECT team to debate the reasons for their scoring to ensure an open and fair process of evaluation.

Six organisations/consortia were invited to submit proposals for the second Phase of the project which focuses on the design of a prototype IoT platform to create city-wide smart innovation labs. Each of the proposers had successfully undertaken concept design for their platform during the previous phase.

Results on who will enter Phase 2 of the project will be announced later this year.

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