On 20-22 October Pavel was in Lisbon for ICT2015, Europe’s largest ICT event organised by the European Commission. The conference was attended by over 5700 technology and innovation professionals from across the world and included such high-profile guests as Commissioner Oettinger and Anibal Cavaco Silva, the President of Portugal. Present at the event were also MEPs and industry leaders and visionaries who attended plenary and thematic sessions dedicated to the event’s three main themes: innovate, connect, transform. Organised around these three themes, ICT2015 exhibition offered conference participants an opportunity to see the best results, tests and prototypes of European ICT Research & Innovation projects, including ECIM. With close proximity to the main stage, ECIM booth, manned by Pavel and Gorazd from iMinds, saw a large number of attendees wanting to learn more about the project. In fact, the foot flow was so high that by the end of day two ECIM team has almost ran out of all 100 brochures it took with it to the event. The success was also evident in the number new contacts made with existing smart mobility initiatives – Smile, OptiTrans, CyC, SpotFiner, Hope, to name just a few – that expressed interest in exploring mutual opportunities for further cooperation. In the coming weeks ECIM partners will be cultivating these new relationships to cement ECIM position in the smart mobility landscape as well as to ensure the project remains fully sustainable in the post-funding period.