While Susie Ruston McAleer was in France presenting the OpenTransportNet at the biggest transport conference this year – ITS World Congress Aneta Rapacz travelled to Pilsen, Czech Republic (7-9 October 2015) to attend the project meeting and talk about the OTN Hubs at the Geomatics in Projects Conference.
The conference organized by Section of Geomatics of Department of Mathematics of Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen gathers around 100 participants every year from both academia and private sector.
The event was a brilliant occasion to present current state of the project and introduce participants to the concept of smart cities and open innovation. As Aneta highlighted in her presentation the availability and accessibility of Open GIS Data can further transform European businesses and public services by helping citizens to make informed decisions and innovate with data. OTN is on the road to bolster this trend by providing easy to use map visualisation tools that can bring more people in the world of GIS.
OTN Hubs were on the agenda for the whole two days, as the consortium meeting focused on testing and improving the existing solution. New integrated single – map user interface approach was approved and we can expect the first tested release before the end of the year. In addition to this, OTN technical team confirmed new functionalities such as crowd-sourced data services and proof of concept apps to be developed in the coming months. These will be tested at numerous events, hackathons and city challenges to which we would like to invite you. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out more details and sign up for testing!