The Governme
nt of India has recently launched an ambitious Digital India Agenda to radically transform digital service delivery and governace for the country’s 1.2 billion citizens. UNDP has been a key partner of Government of India in this effort, and has recently selected Dr. Julia Glidden to work alongside a national country expert to help structure a national governance process reengineering initiative to accelerate the deployment of good eGovernance practices across the country. India has been ranked at (118) as per 2014 e- Government Development Index of UNDESA.
The Indian Government wants to work along with all key stakeholders to enact administration reforms that will help India become a global leader in good eGovernance practices by 2020. Consequently, Julia has been retained to help the government understand and replicate global best practices. Toward this end, Julia will help the Government of India and UNDP to:
1. Undertake a diagnostic study of existing e-Governance initiatives at national and international levels 2. Create a strategic framework to help transform e-Governance with the aim to help Indian become one of the top ranked countries on the United Nation’s e-Government Survey 3. Draft a clear action plan with timelines and 4. Implement the action plan