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21c ‘Drives' Smart Mobility in Issy-les-Molineaux

Julia and Susie packed their bags and travelled to Issy-les-Molineaux for the city’s first annual Smart Mobility Conference. The event gathered experts from across France and Europe to discuss the way in which new technology trends such as Open Data, Social Media and Smart Phones are opening up unprecedented opportunities to make urban transport more personalised and sustainable. Julia chaired a session on Open Data and Smart Transport which featured a presentation from Jean-Marc Lazard, President & Founder of OpenDataSoft – Europe’s leading open data platform provider, as well as from Geert Mareels, Director of the Flemish eGovernment Authority and Coordinator of OpenTransportNet – an EU funded 21c project which focuses on using geospatial data to drive transport innovation. The conference also featured ECIM – another major 21c transportation project which aims to use cloud computing to deliver data-driven transportation solutions across Europe.

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