Julia and Pasha took 21c’s interactive Open Data Workshops up north on 24 March 2015 for York’s ‘Innovation in Cities’ conference. The conference, part of the city’s URBACT-funded GeniUS Open project, was designed to showcase York’s good practice in city innovation and brought together leading urban innovators from across Europe. Following Julia’s keynote address, ‘The Smart City as a Data City,’ Julia and Pasha hosted two interactive Open Data workshops that enabled participants to discuss the pros and cons of Open Data from their own perspectives, before using our Citadel tools to create their own apps in a matter of minutes! We are happy to announce that by the end of each workshop even the staunchest ‘data-huggers’ became ‘data-lovers’ (or at least more open to the concept!) We are also thrilled that during out workshops York announced the official launch of the city’s new open data initiative, and can’t wait to see the results.