@21cdata was delighted to be back in Slovenia on 20 February 2015 for the Reinforcement of eGovernance in the Danube Region conference in Llubljana. The 21c team has followed Slovenia’s emergence as a regional digital innovation leader for close to 15 years, and was thrilled to see the entire Danube Region proactively embracing Smart City working. During the conference’s concluding panel, Julia made a strong case for Open Data as the fuel for Smart Cities, arguing that the region would do well to follow Moldova’s lead in embedding Open Data at the heart of its digital transformation agenda. In response to academic criticism that government should not open inaccurate data sets, Julia argued strenuously that the best way to improve data accuracy is to expose it to the public. ‘Data isn’t more accurate because it is closed,’ Julia said. ‘It’s just hidden away and unused.'