Ben was in Bologna last week where more than 50 delegates packed out a room at the Smart City Exhibition 2014 to hear about the latest developments from Citadel on the Move. The session, entitled "The Four E's of Open Data: Engagement, Empowerment, Endorsement, Enforcement" brought together representatives of the Citadel project with leading regional policy advocates from Italy to explore how local government can create better strategies to drive Open Data forward. Ben’s presentation provoked lively debate in the panel and room with a message about Open Data standards that you can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Citadel has afforded our team the privilege of working with more than 75 Local Authorities from every possible corner of the world and level of development. The one thing that unites them is that standards for the release of Open Data are confusing, contradictory and hamper their efforts to release Open Data. The core message of our presentation was simple: Standards are important (and we at Citadel have developed recommendations to help you navigate this minefield) but they are nowhere near as important as standards approaches about where and when you release data. To find out more about this important distinction and listen to the full presentation just follow the link below: