Julia and Susie were excited to meet with the Open Data Institute (ODI) at its headquarters in Shoreditch yesterday afternoon (6th November 2013).
The shared vision and ambitions of both organisations provided plenty of scope to discuss mutual support and activities. Whilst 21c wrote the Citadel Open Data project proposal nearly two years before the ODI launched, it in fact is a mini-version of the well funded and well championed (Berners-Lee, Shadbolt) institution. It was satisfying to know that the Citadel dreams of local government and 21c match those of the greatest brains in this field!
21c looks forward to supporting the ODI through its project work, and will be attending the a networking event with other SME's and practitioners in the field at the institution on the 26th November.
For more information on Citadel see www.citadelonthemove.eu or join the project and a wealth of Open Data experts from across the world at the Data Days conference taking place in Gent, Belgium next February. See datadays.eu for further details.