Raluca participated to the GitHub Gov MeetUp, event hosted by FutureGov and Shoreditch Works at the Shoreditch Village Hall. Ben Balter, former Presidential Innovation Fellow at the White House and current leader of the government program for Github, addressed an exciting speech on “Make government better, together”. Ben, who thinks of the Government as a “giant open source project”, underlined the need for citizens to encourage public institutions to open their data and promoted GitHub as the world’s largest open source community that allows developers and public bodies to create, share and open active collaboration on software code, documents, strategies or policies. His slides can be accessed here: http://ben.balter.com/make-government-better-together/#/title.
Representatives of the Open Data Institute, Oxford University, Government Digital Service (gov.uk) also presented the benefits of using GitHub in their everyday work to a room full of developers and open source enthusiasts. To find out more about GitHub, click here: https://github.com/about.