Julia was one of 14 international e-Government practioneers invited to New York on December 4 and 5 for the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the 2014 UN e-Government Survey. The two-day session was designed to gather expert opinion from around the world on the six thematic themes featured in the UN’s prestigious bi-annual survey: 1) whole e-Government approaches, 2) e-Participation, 3) Multichannel Service Delivery, 4) Usage, 5) Digital Divide/Vulnerable Groups and 6) Open Government Data. Feedback from the workshop will be used to inform the 2014 Survey’s methodology and questions. During the event, Julia had the opportunity to act as Rapporteur for the eParticipation break out session which addressed the challenge of encouraging policymakers and citizens alike to make use of new social media tools in a policymaking context. Julia used the opportunity to introduce two EU-funded initiatives, Puzzled by Policy and OurSpace, to a wider international audience. The Working Group concluded by a presentation from Mr. Mohammed Al-Qaed, CEO of the eGovernment Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain on the outcomes of recent Member State workshop on the Survey.