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Slow Food, Fast Learners & Strong Collaborations – Green Ideas 2012

Ben was in Pollenzo this week for Green Ideas 2012, the annual creativity event organized by 21c’s friends and colleagues Agro-Know Technologies. The event brings together experts from a range of disciplines to brainstorm innovative solutions to shared problems. This year’s event, held in the beautiful, inspiring surroundings of the University of Gastronomic Sciences tackled the challenge of green education and how best to inspire Europe’s children to make healthy, environmentally food choices. Among the wine tasting and the slow food treats, participants shared a range of insights, all watched over by our enthusiastic facilitators from the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in California. Green Ideas 2012 was also held in conjunction with Open Discovery Space (, a project that unites organizations from 27 countries to tackle learning challenges just like the ones under consideration at the event. Ben and the other lucky project partners were treated to a skills masterclass, allowing us to bring back our newfound collaboration techniques to our work. Short of moving the office to Pollenzo (an idea which Ben has not quite given up yet!) the rest of the team will certainly be treated to a creativity session here in London to develop our collaboration skills still further.

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