On the 15th and 16th of February Dorota represented 21c Consultancy during the 5th Puzzled by Policy (PbP) project meeting hosted by the National Infovommunications Service Company in Budapest. The aim of PbP is to provide citizens with an engaging and easy-to-use platform, where they can learn about and give their voice to policy issues. 21c is responsible for the exploitation and sustainability of the project.
The PbP platform went live on the 8th February. It allows citizens to visually compare their views on immigration with national and EU immigration policies as well as with the opinions of other relevant stakeholders. Users have also an opportunity to join debates on specific aspects of immigration.
A week after official launch of the platform all PbP project partners gathered in Hungary to discuss the current state of the project. The meeting was followed by the press conference and roundtable discussion, with decision makers, journalists and representatives of NGOs all present. As a result, invited guests had a chance to become familiar with the project and give relevant feedback.