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PIC Takes Centre-Stage at eChallenges 2011

Julia argued that cloud computing represents a powerful tool for ‘Smart Cities’ at this year’s eChallenges Conference in Florence (26-28 October).

In Session 2b eGovernment Issues, Julia presented the EPIC White Paper ‘Is There a Need for a Cloud Computing Platform for European Smart Cities’ which she co-authored with colleagues from IBBT in Brussels and the National Technical University of Athens to decision makers and eGovernment practitioners from across Europe. She was joined on the panel by experts including Klaus-Peter Eckert (Fraunhofter FOKUS) who introduced cloud computing in the German public sector, Andreas Nilsson (Stockholm University) who discussed the implications of cloud based delivery models on public IT procurement, and Jonathan Sinclair (SAP Research) who reviewed auditing issues for cloud based business services. Jim Yip from the University of Huddersfield (UK) Chaired the session.

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