The 2011 eDemocracy Awards were held at the World eGov Forum in the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux, a hub of internet and media activity near Paris, and 21c's Dr Julia Glidden was invited to sit upon the judging panel.
Following the award ceremony at the prestigious venue of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs where Robert Schuman called for a United Europe in 1950, Dr Glidden introduced the Puzzled by Policyproject to fellow judges and award finalist and winners, including:
Founders – Gunnar Grimsson, Robert Bjarnason and Oskar Sandholt – of the Iceland-based Citizens Foundation (website: www.citizens.is) which won the European Award. The Citizens Foundation promotes democracy online through platforms such as the Icelandic ‘Shadow Parliament’ and a ‘Better Reykjavik’.
Vice-President – Erik Telford – of the Franklin Centre for Government and Public Integrity – which was short-listed for the International Award. The Franklin Centre promotes the use of online campaign tools among American citizens.
Christophe Leclercq, founder of Fondation EurActiv PoliTech which co-hosted the awards. Foundation EurActive PoliTech is Europe’s largest online public policy platform.
Hugo Passsarello Luna, a journalist from Argentina Elections.Com. Argentina Elections.com provides independent information and analysis about elections in the Argentinian Republic.
Discussions were also held with the other two short-listed entries in the European e-Democracy awards- Europatweets.eu, founded by Henri Lastenouse, aggregating twitter feeds from EU politicians and experts, and the Scottish Ideas for global citizenship, enabling organisations and individuals involved in development and global citizenship education to share and prioritize their common ideas