EPIC has been selected as a conference paper for the prestigious eChallenges conference taking place this year in Florence, Italy. eChallenges provides an international forum to share success stories and lessons learned from applied information and communication technology related research at the European Level (FP6 & FP7).
The EPIC paper is titled: ‘Is there a need for a Cloud Platform for European Smart Cities?’ and proposes an innovative solution for city administrators to provide ‘intelligent’ services to citizens and visitors exploiting Cloud computing and frequency identification technologies. Using the EPIC platform, cities can become ‘smart’ by extending their applications with a new set of technical, functional and business capabilities based on the particular requirements of each city and the needs of end users for applications. The applications deployed on EPIC will take the advantage of the platform services for scalability, sustainability and low operational cost becoming available to a pan-European (and possible worldwide) market. In addition, the EPIC Roadmap will simplify the process of extending existing applications or developing new ‘smart’ services for cities and leverage the involvement of enterprises and SME creating new business models and value networks.
The paper will be presented at 11:30am on Day one of the conference. For more information about eChallenges visit www.echallenges.org/2011.