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WAVE passed the EC review and is now officially part of the eParticipation hall of fame!

On the 14th of April, Oli and Susie attended the final review for the WAVE project which took place at the European Commission in Brussels. Oli presented the outcomes form the pilot deployment and explained the key impacts for decision makers across Europe. The reviewers were impressed by the advances the team has made to the field of argument visualisation and the project was commended for its high quality deliverables and strong participation figures.

The WAVE project has been running for the past two years with the main aim to improve the inclusiveness andtransparency of EU decision making at the national and European level by using highly integrated, state-of-the-art Argument Visualisation techniques. WAVE has been successfully deployed in three countries, France, Lithuania and the UK having more than 7000 registered users. As a part of the sustainability strategy for the project, the WAVE tool kit can be downloaded from Sourceforge so anyone can integrate the WAVE tool to their platform and adjust it to individual needs:

Well done to the WAVE team!

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