Today Europe made advancements in overcoming language barriers faced by cross-border web portals through the kick off of the European Organic.Lingua project in Athens Greece.21c Partner, Susie Ruston and Prof Keith Osman from Birmingham City University represented the UK at the CIP-ICT-PSP project meeting as dissemination and exploitation specialists. Together a total of eleven project partners will work on Organic.Lingua to enhance an existing web portal (www.organic.edunet.eu) with educational content on organic agriculture and agroecology, introducing automated multi-lingual services that will further support the uptake of the portal from its targeted audiences, and further extend its geographical and linguistic coverage. The project will demonstrate and deliver a cost-effective approach for delivering language technologies based on open standards and open source software that can be utilised by other web portals. Further information on Organic.Lingua will be made available here in due course.