By Dr. Julia Glidden from 21c Consultancy and Geert Mareels (Flemish Government). Published in eGovMonitor – Tuesday, 19 October, 2010
‘Lift Off Towards Open Government’ Conference on December 15-16th is focused on producing the Citadel Statement which would articulate the needs of local government in Europe to national and European decision makers.
The Flemish Government and a host of European local government partner organisations are working to ensure that the Belgian Presidency’s forthcoming ‘Lift Off Towards Open Government’ Conference on December 15-16th starts with a bang by identifying the top things that national and EU decision makers can do by 2013 to better support local eGovernment. The aim of this effort is to produce a pan-European ‘Call to Action’ – known as The Citadel Statement – that will help local government deliver on the key objectives of the Malmo Ministerial Declaration.
Read full article here.