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21c Hosted the UK eGovernment Study Tour for the Kingdom of Bahrain

The Kingdom of Bahrain has recently moved from 42 to 13 on United Nation’s 2010 Global eGovernment Survey and is keen to build on this achievement through their upcoming five year strategy. To design the most effective approach, the Bahraini key eGovernment Authority representatives have asked 21c Consultancy to host a Study Tour to meet with leading UK figures involved with implementing eGovernment.

For the 17th and 18th of June 2010 21c has arranged personal meetings with high dignitaries within the UK ICT central and local departments starting on the 17th with a presentation by Bill McCluggage, Deputy CIO, at the UK Cabinet Office on the UK eGovernment Strategy followed by a visit to the Local Government Information Unit where Jasmine Ali, Head of Children and Social Services, presented their approach to Web 2.0 and Service Delivery. The delegation had also a chance to visit the Department of Health and learn about the NHS Choices programme and meet Bob Gann the department’s Head of Strategy & Engagement.

The second day was devoted to local government strategy and the delegation travelled to Kent County Council to visit the leading centres for innovation in digital service delivery. The delegation was introduced to a wide array of award-wining digital initiatives, including Kent TV and ‘Pic n’ Mix’ Innovation.

The entire delegation led by the CEO Mohamed Ali Al-Qead was impressed with the tour and found information and knowledge presented enriching for the development of the Bahraini eGA 2011-14 strategy.

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