Non-European Projects

Strategic Communications
2016 - 2017
Undertook strategic communications consultancy and delivery for Global Government Team, translating advanced, complex technology capability and trends into understandable content and presentations for both internal and external use.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) India
eGovernance Roadmap for India
2015 - 2016
Developed an eGovernance Roadmap for India UNDP to transform public service through eGovernance under the digital india agenda. The project included detailed task development for the roadmap and in-depth review, analysis and comparison of with other best practice national portals from across the world in order to draw recommendations for public service enhancement.
Partner & Co
Geospatial Data Business Case for Public Services
Developed business case forecasting the future impact of Geospatial services in order to influence the main future governance and vision for geospatial public services in Saudi Arabia. Research and analysis included reviews of disruptive business models and detailed introductions to the most important technology trends in the Geospatial market.
Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG)
Open Data Training
Created and delivered Open Data training program for UK Civil Servants on how to open and use data to deliver public services. Training covered the many benefits that opening data could unleash as well as hands on experimentation with data.
Scottish Government/Urban Data
Smart City Open Data Publishing Platform for Public Services
Project entailed an audit of open data portals and suppliers from across the world in order to identify best practice features and lessons to help shape a robust open data-publishing platform for the city of Aberdeen, which is replicable across other Scottish cities. The analysis included the usability of data publication processes and how metadata is used to classify and enrich content to make it searchable.
Emirates ID
United Nations (UN) Public Service Awards
2013 - 2014
Audit EIDAs extensive internal documentation to identify relevant material for UN Award Application categories, assess its suitability (particularly in relation to the socially excluded) and analyse key statistics and findings. Translate data findings into compelling award applications backed by statistics and hard facts.
Bahrain eGovernment Authority
United Nations (UN) Public Service Awards
2013 - 2014
Full review and revisions to Bahrain’s eGovernment award submissions for the UN Public Service Awards. The engagement included assessment of Bahrain eGovernment strategy and recommendations of updates and positioning designed to make award submissions more attractive to judging panels.
Bahrain eGovernment Authority
eGovernment Strategy 2011 - 2015
In preparation for the Kingdom’s 2011-2105 eGovernment Strategy, 21c arranged a study tour with for the eGA’s CEO and top management delegation with the UK Cabinet Office, National Health Service NHS) and other senior level stakeholders. The study tour focused on key eGovernment trends including the UK’s pioneering G-cloud service, the NHS’s online citizen choice and feedback initiatives and EU award-winning projects like Kent TV. Input from the tour was used to shape the Kingdom’s overarching eGovernment Action Plan.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Government Transformation
Project entailed consultancy on ICT planning and strategy for Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, quality assurance (inspection, audit), content review on subject matter by expert reviewers and copy-editing and proof-reading by native language speakers. Developed the first collaborative innovation centre concept for the Public Sector.
Flemish eGovernment Authority (CORVE)
Citadel Statement
Conduct pan-European consultation with local government stakeholders to identity and assess the top things that national and EU decision makers can do to better deliver on the key objectives of the Malmo Ministerial Declaration. 21c used workshops and an extensive online consultation to engage more than 120 users from 18 countries all over Europe including 64 organisations representing over 200 cities across 5 continents. The result of this effort was a pan-European ‘Call to Action’ – known as The Citadel Statement.
UK Ministry of Justice (MoJ)
Electoral Modernisation
2007 - 2009
Project included: development of strategic framework for eVoting implementation, development and management of a quality plan, rigorous testing of all technical deliverables in line the approach of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board, formal approval of all technical and documentary deliverables, user feedback mechanisms, key performance indicators regarding quality of service, user satisfaction, impact assessment, effective use of the services provided, execution of tests according to a test schedule, covering unit, integration and factory tests to ensure complete conformance to requirements
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM)
Citadel Statement
2006 - 2007
Developed international conference series, advising the symposium board on strategy, shaping the symposium concept to focus on current eParticipation and eGovernment trends. Designed a state-of-the-art agenda and brought together world experts (politicians, academics, business leaders and practitioners) to speak and attend the events in Budapest, Hungary London, UK and Baltimore, USA. Facilitated new public-private partnership projects and published a book on conference proceedings.