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PoliVisu Partner wins special security prize at the INSPIRE Hackathon!

Congratulations to PoliVisu consortium member, InnoConnect, for winning the INSPIRE Hackathon’s special security prize with their innovative policing app.

The INSPIRE Hackathon was held in between 18-21 September 2018 in Antwerp, Belgium, collocated with the annual INSPIRE Conference which focuses on developments in sharing and reusing geospatial data across Europe.

The Hackathon theme was to create apps that could easily integrate INSPIRE, GEOSS, COPERNICUS data with data from other domains using web APIs. 16 teams gathered at the start line and competed for the first three places and for the special prize for a security-related solution.

The InnoConnect team, team, number 14, consisting of: Jiří Bouchal, Alvaro Silva, Jan Ježek František Kolovský and Václav Kučera (from the city of Plzeň) created an Analytical Map of Incidents Registered by the Municipal Police in Plzeň, Czechia, winning the hackathon’s special security prize.

The interactive web map helps the city of Plzeň (Czechia) discover trends and patterns in their security-related data provided by the Municipal Police, e.g. to identify areas with the highest risk of minor criminality, streets with most frequent parking, driving or speed violations, locations with pedestrian or cyclist offences, or neighbourhoods with alcohol- and drug-related offences. The web application brings the data into a map and makes it possible to analyze it for trends and patterns.

Users of the app benefit from visual insights obtained from the data. They can further analyze and drill-down into the data, looking at different combinations of attributes (such as specific hours or days of the week), and understand, for example, the riskiest time periods for different locations. To explore different patterns and potentially correlations between the data several filters can be applied to retrieve results of interest to the user, as seen in the list below:

The app will be further developed under the framework of the PoliVisu H2020 project of which InnoConnect and the Smart City of Plzeň are partners. PoliVisu aims to help decision makers benefit from the use of big data visualisations in the policy making process.

Curious to find out more about the app? Check out the presentation on SlideShare or sign up to PoliVisu to receive regular news and updates about this and other affordable innovative smart city solutions.

It would be a real success to see this solution replicated in as many cities as possible.

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