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SELECT for Cities Talks Smart in Barcelona !

Equipped with the results of the Open Market Consultation and all the outcomes from the first year of the project, Aneta Rapacz and Laura Gavrilut traveled to Barcelona, Spain to join more than 591 exhibitors and 16,688 visitors at the Smart City Expo and participate in its first project review from 14th to 18th November 2016.

Having a shared booth together with Open & Agile Smart Cities at one of most prestigious conference and exposition attracted a lot of attention not only from businesses, developers but also from other cities interested in the IoE solution. The stages of the PCP competition planned to be launched in January 2017 have been widely discussed and potential tenderers were invited to closely monitor the project website for updates and documentation.

A more detailed discussion on tender documents was held during the review meeting which resulted in a constructive and well-appreciated feedback from the reviewers. Busy months are to come for the project so if you don’t want to miss any news just sign up to our newsletter and we will make sure all is in your mailbox at once!

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