Susie recently represented the Citadel on the Move project at a workshop on 'Using Open Data' for policy modeling, citizen empowerment and data journalism at the European Commission Headquarters in Brussels. The event organized by the W3C on the 19 and 20 June featured a wide range of talks and discussions with contributions from experts such as Andrew Stott, UK Transparency Board & the former UK Gov Director of Transparency & Digital Engagement, Gianluca Misuraca, JRC-IPTS, Jose M Alonso, World Wide Web Foundation, Phil Archer W3C and Jeanne Holm, data.gov & NASA amongst many others.
Open Data is a hot topic in Brussels this summer with The European Commission's Open Data Strategy being seen as typical of many governments' promotional efforts. Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes cites three reasons why open data is seen as being so important: (1) promoting the development of new businesses; (2) promoting government transparency, and (3) increased evidence-based policy making.
Discussions at the W3C workshop focused on the need for data to be opened in a proper format, be machine readable and free. In addition the idea of relevant feedback loops for users to improve data and hold government to account was a reoccurring theme. Citadel on the Move’s project work aims to take these areas into consideration when working on recommendations for open data standards. For a full report of the W3C event visit http://www.w3.org/2012/06/pmod/agenda
Following the workshop, Citadel on the Move hosted their own project meeting to arrange the forthcoming stakeholder workshops and their new online platform that will be launching soon. Watch this space for further announcements.