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Puzzled by Policy at the ‘New Technologies and Human Rights’ Seminar in London

On the 15th of December 2011 Dorota from 21c Consultancy participated in a seminar organized by the University of Essex and the Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolutions (IDCR) to present the Puzzled by Policy project and to network with relevant stakeholders.

The event brought together scholars, practitioners and experts from the University of Essex and partner organisations that are currently using new technologies for human rights awareness, analysis, and advocacy. The seminar aimed to explore the different ways new technologies can be used to monitor, map and document human rights developments at the local, national and international level. These challenges and opportunities were discussed by experts in the field namely by Ken Banks (FrontlineSMS), Jonathan Crook (Cyberalpha), Aygun Kazimova (Maplecroft) and Dr Anita Breuer (German Development Institute).

Puzzled by Policy was positively accepted by the attendees and links were established with the head of the Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolution.

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